Problems with "Make Book"

TO: Amaya Development Team


I am using Amaya 9.4 on a Linux Fedora Core 4 system. 
The Amaya program appears to  operate correctly.

However, I am unable to get the "Make Book" feature to
work.  I've read the Amaya documentation and tried
different versions of typed links to document
collections in an index file without success.  I'm not
even able to use the "Make Book" feature to assemble
the documentation for Amaya itself.

I have searched the Internet for examples of an index
file that would cause the "Make Book" feature to work,
but I have found no complete working examples -- just
a few lines of html code that don't work when I try
them in Amaya.

During my search on the Internet, I found inquiries of
other people also asking for example index files to
use with the "Make Book" feature, but no posted

Would you please email me one or two complete working
examples of index files  on which I can then use the
"Make Book" feature?

Thank you.

Bob Hinchman


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Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 08:48:23 UTC