Re: version mismatch in source code downloaded from

Nacho a écrit :

>Just a few days ago I downloaded the source code of Amaya from this URL:
>I uncompressed it, compiled it... everything was ok... but when I run it and
>click in "Help -> About Amaya"... it says "Amaya 8.7.2", it is of course the
>binary I've just compiled, because I run it from the source code directory,
>with the full path:
>So I suppose maybe you made a mistake when naming the .tgz file? o_O
>Or maybe I did something wrong? O_o
>I just did a ./configure and make... I didn't executed the "make install", but
>I think it's the same...
Amaya 8.7.2 ans Amaya 9.1 share the same source code.
To compile Amaya 9.1 see :
You must type something like that =>
|cd Amaya
mkdir WX
cd WX
../configure --with-wx


Stéphane GULLY - (

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2005 14:02:20 UTC