Re: AmayaWX 9.0pre WinXP bugs: keyboard bugs

> In Spanish keyboards, braces and brackets, are typed using the
> AltGr key and the keys next the Enter key, as you can see in the
> following image:
> I suppose French or English keyboards use different keys, but I suppose
> the keys used in Spanish keyboards are used in French keyboards for
> other symbols. Please check them. In a Spanish keyboard, the
> symbols \ | @ # ~ ¬ can be typed in Amaya 9.0 pre,
> but \ € [ ] { } can not be typed
> This is a very serious bug for a Spanish user, because CSS files
> can not be edited. By the way, the other Windows way to type
> characters (Alt+ASCII code, for instance Alt+125 = } ), does not
> work either in Amaya 9.0 pre, but it worked in Amaya 8.7.

I've done improvments on keyboard handling, please could you try with 
Amaya 9.0-pre2 :
Thanks again for your bug reports.

Stéphane GULLY - (

Received on Wednesday, 8 December 2004 15:52:03 UTC