a bug? Chinese webpage 'not xhtml"

This is the first time I use Amaya. It seems Amaya's I18N support is not 
very good. (did I miss something?)

To repeat the bug:
* Open this url with Amaya 8.3: http://aliweekly.nease.net/040209.html
you get the "Not Well-Formed XML document - Reload as HTML or show 
parsing errors?"
* Click "show", you get something like this screenshot
I cannot determine what part is wrong on this screen, there are no clear 

But the URL [http://aliweekly.nease.net/040209.html], like most my other 
webpages, is validate.

Isn't the validator in Amaya the same as on http://validator.w3.org ?

Received on Wednesday, 11 February 2004 01:40:14 UTC