Problem building Amaya 8.2 for Windows

Dear Dev,

I unzipped and attempted to build Amaya 8.2 for Windows using VC++ 1.52
on Windows 2000 Advanced Server
I followed the instructions for compiling for windows. When I clicked on the 
‘Build All Amaya.EXE’, I got the following error message:

Invoking external build utility...

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 1.40
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-93. All rights reserved.

AMAYA.DSW(1) : fatal error U1034: syntax error : separator missing
AMAYA.DSW - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The file AMAYA.DSW is attached with this email. Could you please help me 
identify the problem?

Thank you,


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Received on Monday, 15 December 2003 03:44:31 UTC