Some Amaya 8.2b questions and bugs


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1. How can an <address> block be transformed to a <p> block in Amaya
formatted view?
If it is not possible, a good way would be Edit > Transform > Paragraph
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2. How can a <pre> block be transformed to a <p> block in Amaya
formatted view?
If it is not possible, a good way would be Edit > Transform > Paragraph
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3. How can a one level list be transformed to a <p> block in Amaya
formatted view?
If it is not possible, a good way would be Edit > Transform > Paragraph.
The present Edit > Transform > Remove one level is dangerous (see Bug 2)
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1. <p> within <address>

  It is easy to create in Amaya the following XHTML code.

    <p>My name</p>

  Amaya saves and loads the document without warnings, but W3C Validator
    document type does not allow element "p" here; missing one of "object",
    "ins", "del", "map", "button" start-tag

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2. characters without tags

  It is easy to create text with no tags. For instance:
  Create a list:
  Then select the whole list (two F2 keystrokes) and click menu Edit >
  Transform > Remove one level. A maya removes <ul> and <il> tags:


  Amaya saves and loads the document without warnings, but W3C Validator
   character data is not allowed here
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3. Disappearing spaces

  I have three words in a paragraph:
    <p>First Second Third</p

  I select the first two words with the mouse and click menu XHTML >
  Information type > Emphasis:
    <p><em>First Second</em> Third</p>

  I select the last two words with the mouse, and click menu XHTML >
  Information type > strong:
  <p><em>First <strong>Second</strong></em><strong> Third</strong></p>

  The space between the second and third word is inside the <strong>tag.
  Then, when the document is saved and reloaded, the space has desappeared:
  <p><em>primera <strong>segunda</strong></em><strong>tercera</strong></p>

  This problem is not limited to the <strong> and <em> tags, of course.
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Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2003 05:15:01 UTC