Re: dynamic image bug

Was my bug report received?

On Sunday 31 August 2003 09:23, Gary Petersen eloquently 
> Bug report
> Date: August 30, 2003
> Version: Amaya 8.0
> Amaya has a bug in rendering dynamically
> generated images. If a web author creates a php script
> that returns one of serveral png images, Amaya will
> display the first image, but Amaya then caches
> the image and won't accept any new version
> that the php script generates. For example,
> take this PHP file:
> -------------> imgrotate.php <-----------------
> <?php
> error_reporting(E_ALL);
> // Create the list of files to display.
> $imgfiles = array (
>     'btnaboutus.png',
>     'btncontact.png',
>     'btnhome.png',
>     'btnlogin.png',
> );
> // rot.txt must already exist and be world writable.
> //    The file contains only a single number.
> $count = file('rot.txt');
> $count = (intval($count[0]) + 1) % count($imgfiles);
> `echo $count > rot.txt`;
> $file = $imgfiles[$count];
> header ('Content-Type: image/png');
> header ('Cache-control: no-cache');
> header ("X-Debug-Info: count=$count, file=$file");
> passthru("cat $file");
> ?>
> -------------> end <---------------------
> Put the address of this file into the location
> bar and hit enter to go to the page. Each time
> you click refresh, you get the same image.
> 'imgrotate.php,' rotates over four png images.
> Because the content is always going to change, caching
> is disabled in the HTTP header, but that does not
> disuade Amaya from caching the first file it gets
> anyway.
> Amaya caches the image even if Amaya's cache
> is disabled using the 'Settings/Cache...' dialog.
> By the way, the problem goes away when the
> image file is loaded from another page
> as part of an IMG tag. The bug is only seen when
> the location bar is used to access the image
> rotating script.

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 04:55:03 UTC