Re: amaya won't start due to font problems

Paul Cheyrou-lagreze wrote:
> It looks for a configuration file named :
> /etc/gtk/gtkrc or ~/.gtkrc
> And there is no file. 

FWIW, my Debian Woody box also has neither of these files. /etc/gtk 
exists and contains lots of gtkrc.* (put your 'international' country or 
character set identifier where the * is).

 > could you try the debian package named "gtk-theme-switch"

Also, FWIW, after I run switch, there is a .gtkrc in my home directory.

I also got an off-list suggestion to check font availability using 
gtkfontsel instead of xfontsel.  gtkfontsel reports that some basic 
fonts (adobe-times, adobe-helvetica etc) are NOT available, although 
just about everything else is.  The suggestion also pointed me to the 
xft subsystem, and there seem to be some inconsistencies there that I'm 
presently trying to track down.

If anybody knows where to find a howto, or preferably some tool that 
validates and sets up fonts, I'd be very grateful. (Not just a general 
font howto, but something that covers applications that use font files 
directly, not through X).

Cheers, Dave
Dave Howorth
MRC Centre for Protein Engineering
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH
01223 252960

Received on Monday, 16 June 2003 05:38:25 UTC