Amaya 6.2 on WIndows: Alignment of input elements


im Amaya 6.2 on Windows/NT 4.0 the alignment of input elements in forms 
looks odd. See the attached amaya.png. For comparison, the attached 
ie5.png shows the same URL in Internet Explorer 5.5. I'll also attach 
the page source.

I also tried to "export" my annotations by attaching the corresponding 
files. IMHO it would be a nice feature to be able to export annotations 
and import them (e.g. when sending comments about some HTML page via 

<font size=4>
<Form method=POST action="">
Suchbegriff: <input name="$SearchString" size=40><p>

<input type="checkbox" name="$bookid" value="1"> Problemdatenbank
<input type="checkbox" name="$bookid" value="2"> DV-med
<input type="checkbox" name="$bookid" value="3"> Kliniken/Institute
<input type="checkbox" name="$bookid" value="99" checked> alles <p>

<input type="radio" name="$SearchMode" VALUE="AND" checked>Alle W&ouml;rter
<input type="radio" NAME="$SearchMode" VALUE="OR"> Beliebiges Wort
<input type="radio" NAME="$SearchMode" VALUE="PHRASE"> Gesamter Ausdruck<br>
<input type="radio" name="$DisplayMode" VALUE="Comprehensive" checked> Langform
<input type="radio" NAME="$DisplayMode" VALUE="Brief"> Kurzform<br>

Maximale Trefferzahl: <select name=$MaxResult>
<option selected>50

<Input type="submit" VALUE="Starte Suche">
<Input type="reset" VALUE="L&ouml;schen"><P>

<font size = 3>
<a href="">Klinikweites
Informationssystem,</a> Klinikum der Universit&auml;t Regensburg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
  <title>Annotation of Stichwortsuche</title>

<p>The following button is not aligned with the previous button</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
  <title>Annotation of Stichwortsuche</title>

<p>The following text is not vertically aligned with the baseline</p>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
  <title>Annotation of Stichwortsuche</title>

<p>The following text is not vertically aligned with the baseline</p>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<r:RDF xmlns:r=""
<r:type r:resource="" />
<r:type r:resource="" />
<a:annotates r:resource="file:///c:/tmp/form.html" />
<d:title>Annotation of Stichwortsuche</d:title>
<a:body r:resource="file:///C:/WINNT/profiles/windl/amaya/annotations/annots7a.45.html" />
<r:type r:resource="" />
<r:type r:resource="" />
<a:annotates r:resource="file:///c:/tmp/form.html" />
<d:title>Annotation of Stichwortsuche</d:title>
<a:body r:resource="file:///C:/WINNT/profiles/windl/amaya/annotations/annots7a.34.html" />
<r:type r:resource="" />
<r:type r:resource="" />
<a:annotates r:resource="file:///c:/tmp/form.html" />
<d:title>Annotation of Stichwortsuche</d:title>
<a:body r:resource="file:///C:/WINNT/profiles/windl/amaya/annotations/annots7a.12.html" />

Received on Wednesday, 31 July 2002 05:03:41 UTC