Re: Amaya 6.2 on WIndows: Alignment of input elements

> Hello,
> im Amaya 6.2 on Windows/NT 4.0 the alignment of input elements in forms 
> looks odd. See the attached amaya.png. For comparison, the attached 
> ie5.png shows the same URL in Internet Explorer 5.5. I'll also attach 
> the page source.
> Regards,
> Ulrich
Hello Ulrich,

The handling of blocks/inline elements in Amaya is quite complex and works 
well on (almost) all documents. The problem with your document is that it 
doesn't contain the <body> element and that causes some 'troubles' to this 
If you add a <body> tag, the input elements will be aligned (except the last 
'submit' and 'reset' but I fixed that bug in the CVS base).



Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 09:24:01 UTC