Re: Bugs found in 6.0

On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Irene Vatton wrote:

         *  en_US is accepted by General Preferences dialog for language, but
            when reopened, the preferences list en

  In Amaya en-US and en are the same value.

That seems OK in terms of how amaya processes them, but it should still be
able to keep the preference specified by the user, and send it as
appropriate. I happen to use en-GB or en-AU in preference to en-US in
browsers that let me do this.

It would be nice if at some point I could declare my english dictionaries for
spellchecking to be en-NZ (or whatever). In my work I sometimes have to
spellcheck things to be one or other variety of english, and it is a pain
that I can't do this automatically by applying the appropriate dictionary.



Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 11:40:17 UTC