Re: FW: inline svg problem

> Thank you for all responding.
>   I am trying to include a svg fragment in a xhtml document.
> The following was created by Amaya and views well with Amaya but I cannot
> get any other browser to display the svg portion. 
> Do you know of a browser that can support the svg fragments?
> It seems to conform to the requirements below.
>  but the  w3 xhtml validator does not
> accept the xmlns for the svg.

There is a difference between conformance and validity.
The conformance says that the document is well formed, the validator checks if
the document respect a DTD or a schema.

The definition of a DTD XHTML+SVG+MathML is in progress. It will allow you to
validate this kind of document in the future.

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2002 11:20:43 UTC