Help with cursor placement during editing...

Actually, I'm not sure how to describe this.  I've been trying out 
Amaya off and on for a year or so, and something I've never been able 
to figure out: how to cleanly move on to the next element while creating 
a new document, in certain cases.  For example:

I'm creating an <UL>.  Inside the current <LI> (which is, at the 
moment, the last item in the list) I'm adding <pre>formatted text. 
How do I get *out* of that <pre></pre> block and start a new <LI>?

So far I've always had to fumble around and do things like type an extra 
character, highlight that character, and change the type back to a normal 
<P>aragraph, and then hit return twice to cause Amaya to create the next 
List Item.  This is very clumsy and awkward, and I can't always predict 
what's going to happen, so I figure I must be missing some basic operation
or technique.

What's the "correct" way to get out of a <pre></pre> block?  


Received on Thursday, 11 April 2002 15:19:28 UTC