Re: MathML

Your mistake is in the MIME type. As the file you want to embed
with the object element is a MathML expression, you must use the
corresponding MIME type as defined in the MathML 2.0 recommendation,
following RFC 3023:


You can check section 7.1.3 of the MathML 2.0 Rec. at:

I suggest you use

   <object data="integral.xml" type="application/mathml+xml">

Hope this help.


Kai Lahmann wrote:
> hi
> I'm trying to find a way to have a styled MathML-Object embeded into an HTML 
> (or XHTML) file without completly blocking the IE out of that file, so I 
> tried it with embedding it into an <object data="integral.xml" 
> type="text/xml">, but this is ignored by Amaya, when loading the file itself 
> it's shown (the file is valid XHTML width MathML in it), also Mozilla does it 
> as expected. Serversided Mime-Type is txt/xml too.
> Where's my mistake?
> everything to be found at
> (should end on a B/W MathML in Amaya/CVS, as there's a nested <object>).
> -- 
> Kai Lahmann

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 02:41:20 UTC