css status page

is a great start to listing the status of css property implementation!
but there are several things that i have found which disagree with 
the chart.  you may want to verify and correct me if i am wrong.

table {margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto}
  should center the table --- it doesn't.  therefore margin:auto is busted

p {margin-left:30px; text-indent:-30px}
   should start first line at oringinal body indent and then rest of lines
   should be indented 30px.  In Amaya first line is in 30px and rest of
   lines in 60px.  A hanging indent yes but shifted by 30px from where it 
   should be.  This looks like a negative measure problem.

a multiple text-decoration such as span {text-decoration:underline overline} 
is not done correctly.  This should be commented on in text-decoration line

the annotation for pseudo first-letter states that it is not implemented. It is
worse than that. It is implemented BUT INCORRECTLY as it affects entire
paragraph. 	There would be less of a problem if unimplemented!  The 
annotation should be changed to BEWARE: poorly implemented.

All other problems that i have found with CSS in Amaya are noted 
appropriately and this page is a help for me as a tester. Thanks for 
some good documentation !!!
John Russell, VE3LL@RAC.CA

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Received on Friday, 30 November 2001 14:22:40 UTC