feature requests re: Find

I use Amaya constantly (as a front end to a PHP/Postgres web database).  Pls 
keep up the good work.

Can we have a autoseach on page open function?  Eg, when I click on a hyperlink 
of the form:    url?find=x
I'd like Amaya to open url and search for x.

Clicking on link
<a href="file:///home/httpd/orgtxt/Birds.html?find=%3C4%3EDiamonds">Birds</a>
opens Birds.html file and puts the cursor on or after the "Diamonds" heading.

Another request: an Edit - Find Again function.

Also, it'd be great if an open document's first Edit - Find always defaulted to 
select "In the whole document".

Thanks much,

Received on Friday, 30 November 2001 13:45:35 UTC