RE: Amaya-announce?

> I thought that this was the announcement list.  I was just
> added to this list.  The description from the W3C site it says
> that, the mailing list is:
>  " This mailing list is for discussion about general issues of
> Amaya, the W3C testbed client. This is the official forum where
> we announce new Amaya releases. It's also a place for
> submitting bug reports, for proposing enhancements to Amaya,
> and for discussing installation and configuration problems. "
> So, Paul it would seem that you are in the official
> announcement forum. Or am I mistaken?

Of late, there has been a large amount of discussion regarding the
development and compiling of Amaya. Not that I'm complaining, but none of
which is terribly useful for me. I suppose you could 'argue' that this is
covered within "installation and configuration problems".

I brought it up as a suggestion, and Irene refined that suggestion by
saying that there could be another list created for announcements and bug
reports. (Which I think would be terrific, by the way). I'm not insistant
though, since I'm not sure how much demand for something like that would
be. :)

 -David Goth-

Received on Monday, 11 October 1999 01:38:13 UTC