Installing English dictionary

Dear friends:

First, my thanks to Daniel Veillard for creating the Red hat rpm for the
new Amaya 2.1. It looks great, and I am excited about learning how to
use it and using it.

My first problem is installing the English dictionary. I would
appreciate if someone could please tell me precisely how to install it.
The instructions on the W3C page state:

"To install a dictionary, you have to go into the main directory
xxx/Amaya and type the command "tar xzf gzipped-tar-file""

But this is not very clear. There is a symbolic link to amaya in
/usr/bin, and all the files in /usr/bin are executables, yet the
dictionary untars into a directory. I am sorry, but I am confused. What
am I missing?


Benjamin Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Received on Monday, 28 June 1999 14:04:32 UTC