A new keyboard file

I prefer to do a lot of things via the keyboard. I have an expanded keybord
file which has similar bindings to the linux one. I have added most style
commands, some more types, most of the commands in the edit menu.

Note that there are a few differences from the standard 2.1 linux file (which
itself is different from the windows file). I particular, I hae used Ctrl-s
as a prefix for style commands, Ctrl-Shift-% (percent, although it looks like
an X on my screen) for search/replace, and I have commented out all the Math
functions (I'll probably change them for my own use to a Ctrl-m, something

Also, I can't find a way to get to the attributes menu except f10 to get to
the menubar, then arrow keys to select the attributes menu, and down to the
attribute I wnat. This seems inefficient.

Anyway, here is my keyboard file...

# personal keyboard file for charles McCN

#moving around
<Key>Delete:	TtcDeleteSelection()
<Key>Escape:	TtcParentElement()
<Key>Return:	TtcCreateElement()
<Key>Home:	TtcStartOfLine()
<Key>End:	TtcEndOfLine()
#<Key>Up:	TtcPreviousLine()
#<Key>Down:	TtcNextLine()
#<Key>Right:	TtcNextChar()
#<Key>Left:	TtcPreviousChar()
<Key>L6:	TtcCopyToClipboard()
<Key>L8:	TtcPasteFromClipboard()
<Key>F6:	TtcCopyToClipboard()
<Key>F8:	TtcPasteFromClipboard()
Ctrl <Key>a:	TtcStartOfLine()
Ctrl <Key>e:	TtcEndOfLine()
Ctrl <Key>Home:TtcPageTop()
Ctrl <Key>End:TtcPageEnd()
Ctrl <Key>j:	TtcPreviousElement()
Ctrl <Key>k:	TtcNextElement()

Ctrl <Key>Return:	CreateBreak("\212")
Ctrl <Key>Space:	TtcInsertChar("\240")

Ctrl <Key>-:	TtcChildElement()

Ctrl <Key>1:	CreateHeading1()
Ctrl <Key>2:	CreateHeading2()
Ctrl <Key>3:	CreateHeading3()
Ctrl <Key>4:	CreateHeading4()
Ctrl <Key>5:	CreateHeading5()
Ctrl <Key>6:	CreateHeading6()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>d:	CreateDefinitionList()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>o:	CreateNumberedList()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>u:	CreateList()
Shift Ctrl <Key>B:	CreateElemStrong()
Shift Ctrl <Key>I:	CreateElemEmphasis()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>d:	CreateElemDEL()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>i:	CreateElemINS()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>a:	CreateElemAbbr()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>p:	CreateParagraph()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>v:	CreateDivision()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>t:	CreateTable()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>t:	CreateHeadingCell()

#style menu
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>c:	 CreateClass()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>a:	 ApplyClass()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>o:	 OpenCSS()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>r:	 RemoveCSS()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>t:	 TtcChangeFormat()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>c:	 TtcChangeColors()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>f: 	TtcChangeCharacters()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>l: LinkCSS()

Shift Ctrl <Key>!: CreateComment()
Shift Ctrl <Key>S: CreateStyle()


Shift Ctrl <Key>L:    CreateOrChangeLink()
Shift Ctrl <Key>D:	DeleteAnchor()
Shift Ctrl <Key>T:    CreateTarget()

#edit menu
Ctrl <Key>w:	TtcCutSelection()
Ctrl <Key>y:	TtcPaste()
Ctrl <Key>z:    TtcUndo()
Shift Ctrl <Key>Z:    TtcRedo()
Shift Alt <Key>%:	TtcSearchText()
Ctrl <Key>c:	TtcCopySelection()
Ctrl <Key>d:	TtcDeleteSelection()
Shift Ctrl <Key>*:    SetBrowserEditor()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>x:    TransformType()

#File menu
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>f:	  OpenDoc()
Ctrl <Key>x , Shift Ctrl <Key>F:	  OpenDocInNewWindow()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>n:	  New()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>t:	  NewTemplate()
Ctrl <Key>s , Ctrl <Key>n:	  NewCss()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>p:	  PrintAs()
Ctrl <Key>p:    SetupAndPrint()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>s:	  SaveDocument()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>w:	  SaveDocumentAs()
Ctrl <Key>b:  			GotoPreviousHTML()
Ctrl <Key>f:  		GotoNextHTML()
Alt <Key>r:	   Reload()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>k:	TtcCloseDocument()
Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>c:	AmayaClose()

#View Menu

Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>a:	TtcSwitchCommands()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>b:	TtcSwitchButtonBar()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>c:	ShowToC()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>i:	ShowAlternate()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>l:	ShowLinks()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>m:	ShowMapAreas()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>s:	ShowStructure()
Ctrl <Key>v , Ctrl <Key>t:	ShowTargets()
Alt <Key>+:	ZoomIn()
Alt <Key>-:	ZoomOut()

#Ctrl <Key>M:	CreateMTABLE()
#Ctrl <Key>P:	CreateMROW()
#Ctrl <Key>S:	CreateMSUBSUP()
#Ctrl <Key>U:	CreateMUNDEROVER()
#Shift Alt <Key>E:       CreateMath()
#Shift Alt <Key>F:       CreateMFRAC()
#Shift Alt <Key>M:       CreateMMULTISCRIPTS()
#Shift Alt <Key>O:       CreateMOVER()
#Shift Alt <Key>P:       CreateMSUP()
#Shift Alt <Key>Q:       CreateMSQRT()
#Shift Alt <Key>R:       CreateMROOT()
#Shift Alt <Key>S:       CreateMSUB()
#Shift Alt <Key>U:       CreateMUNDER()
#Shift Alt <Key>W:       CreateMROW()
#Shift Alt <Key>X:       CreateMSUBSUP()
#Shift Alt <Key>Y:       CreateMUNDEROVER()

Received on Monday, 28 June 1999 13:53:20 UTC