Amaya mishandling HREF values that contain ampersand

It has been reported both on this mailing list and elsewhere that
Amaya mishandles properly-represented HREF values that contain
ampersands, e.g HREF="whatever?print=yes&mode=p&copy=5"

A quick search of the Amaya list shows that this was reported for
example on 12 Mar 1998:
but apparently remained unanswered.

There are some notes in the New Features for 1.4 that suggests that
some incorrect handlings of ampersand in attribute values has been
corrected, but, as far as I can see, this bug still remains.

In spite of much misinformation that is propagated in other places,
and the fact that by far the majority of such HREFs on the WWW are
syntactically invalid, I don't believe there is any doubt as to what
is correct (as Gerald's W3C validator is very willing to report).  It
would be good if Amaya was corrected.  

(Whether or not it should still tolerate all those bad HREFs that are
out there is quite a different issue.  Certainly the popular browsers
behave in quite strange ways when presented with bad HREFs containing
entity references that match, or substring-match, character entities
that are defined in various versions of HTML)

Received on Friday, 30 April 1999 09:33:21 UTC