Re: Compiling Amalya Problem - .depends not found

In-reply-to: Your message of Tue, 20 Apr 1999 10:47:39 -0400."
> Hi Everyone ,
>  I have downloaded recent version of Amaya , I am having problem during
> the following command
>  make all
> It throws following error during compilation
> make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 36: Read of include file
> `.depends' failed
> Where is the .depends file and what about it ?

Within each Thot object subdirectories, there are files .depend generated
by the Makefile.
Could you check if these files exist, can be created or can be read?
> Following is my configuration
>  Source:   amaya 1.4a  ( downloaded from W3C)
>  System:   Sun Solaris 5.6
> What can be the problem ?
> thank you in advance
> bye
> Deodatta


Received on Wednesday, 21 April 1999 03:32:56 UTC