Re: disappointed

Towards the very end on the 2nd millenium a being known as David J Woolley wrote:
> On frames... my reading between the lines is that the writers of HTML  
> 4.0 were documenting a faite accompli and would rather have excluded  
> them from the spec entirely.  As this is only an impression, you are  
> free to interpret it things the opposite way.  You might want to  
> note, though, that the frames DTD is based on the loose version of  
> the non-frames DTD, not the strict one. 

It's possible but frames _are_ a part of HTML 4 and if Amaya doesn't
support frames in the way one would expect from a browser (other than
Lynx) then it isn't truly HTML 4 compliant.

Just my equivalent of 2 c.

There are other issues with Amaya which make it hard for me to use. But
I don't have to delve into those now.


Received on Tuesday, 20 April 1999 13:13:53 UTC