MathML and spacing

here's two small things I would consider bugs in amaya:

First it seems impossible to get a space after a MathML object. I put a
space there in amaya, saves the html file and when it's reloaded the space
is gone...

Second if I place a MathML object as the first thing in a paragraph it will
be placed in a paragraph of its own after reloading.

Is this realy the way things are supposed to work?

 Name:        Hakan Ardo
 Public Key:  Try "finger"
 Fingerprint: E9 81 FD 90 53 5C E9 3E  3D ED 57 15 1B 7E 29 F3
 Interests:   WWW, Programming, 3D graphics

 Thought for the day: As long as one understands, the
 spelling does not matter :-)

Received on Monday, 6 July 1998 04:48:01 UTC