Win95 Crashes - System Resources Down

I've just finished installing Amaya Release 1.2. I love the concept of a
joint browser+editor program, but I've noticed the following problem:

{Note: I'm using a Pentium 166 MMX with 64 MB RAM,  6 GB HD w/1.30 GB
free space, Windows95 running in 24 bit color mode at 800x600
resolution. I've also examined the mail archive, but I didn't see anyone
having this same problem.}

Everytime I click on a link to load up a new HTML document, my System
Resources plunges dangerously. For instance, after a clean boot up of
Windows, I have 85% resources free. After loading up Amaya 1.2, the
percentage decreases to a reasonable 81%. After loading up document (for
example, one of the manual pages), the system resources dips to 67%!

Clicking to follow a third link, I find the number decreasing to 24%.
After browsing more than four pages, the system invariably locks up,
forcing me to reboot the machine. I've tried accessing other web sites
and HTML documents in my hard drive, but the machine loses its system
resources (sometimes down to 3% before hitting 0%, according to the
"Help" screen under the "About" menu in Windows File Explorer).

It doesn't matter if the subsequent web pages are displayed in a new
Amaya window or the same one; the system resources level is not
recovered even when I exit Amaya.

I'm aware that earlier versions of Microsoft Word had this same problem
with recovering system resources. Have you experienced this problem
before? Is there a patch? Can I do anything else to minimize the
resource leaks when running Amaya?

Received on Wednesday, 25 February 1998 05:28:21 UTC