RE: Amaya NT bugs

If I could ever get our Israel office to check if they're members, I'd try it out here for you (I have NT & 95 on my home system, and we have various NT & 95 systems here).  Would be interesting to look at our "online community" site under Amaya (

I finished this version of Amaya the day before the member release.
There is lack of testing without any doubt. especially for Windows 95.

However, I think that Ralph R. Swick has got it work on Winndows NT.

>>There is also some broblems saving URs, i'm not sure but 
>>this seems to be related to libwww implementation on Windows.
>What is the problem? (how dangerous/noticeable)
>Do you intend to fix that in libwww?

Yes of course

>Do you have plans to migrate to a Java-based HTTP implementation shared
> with Jigsaw?

Yes in the near future.
Ramzi GUETARI                           |  Tel: (33) 4 76 61 52 38
World Wide Web Consortium / INRIA       |  Fax: (33) 4 76 61 52 52
655 Avenue de l'Europe                  |  e-mail:
38330 Montbonnot Saint Martin - France  |

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 1997 18:24:38 UTC