Re: Linux-ELF FORM trouble

Vincent QUINT wrote in reply to J. Blustein
>> The buttons on FORM show as icons and cannot
>> be used.
>You can activate buttons by clicking them TWICE, like links.
>As Amaya is an editor, clicking is used for selecting. Double-click
>is used for activating.

    I should have mentioned that I already tried that.  When I double-click
all I get are some green squares around the icon.  I can't even tell if the
form elements are selected or not.  I see the same behaviour in the
alternate view.
J. Blustein                   <> 
Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Western Ontario 
Middlesex Coll., London, Ontario, N6A 5B7 Canada 
Tel:+1 (519)679-2111 x6902  Fax:+1 (519)661-3515

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 1997 02:05:48 UTC