Re: A few questions

> Dear Sir:
> 	We are going to modify Amaya for commercial use.
> 	(Linux based I.A. for web browsing on TV)
> 	We have removed the EDITOR function from Amaya,but we found that
> the Amaya browsing feature is little poor ~ for example: it cannot use
> Up Down arrow to drag scroll bar up & down directly.

These functions should work and perhaps you removed too many things from the
Amaya code. These functions are managed by ThotInput in the module 
Amaya/thotlib/dialogue/input.c which normally manages editing inputs.

> 	It seems that all most of HTML presentation , mouse & keyboard
> controls are done by THOT. Can we cattch the keyboard events from
> X-window directly ? Because our Web-TV only supports remote keyboard
> controller, we need the keyboard to access link & webs.

The keyboard events from X-window are managed by FrameCallback in
the module Amaya/thotlib/dialogue/appli.c

> 	Can we easily to port Amaya to a mini browser easily? though I
> know this is really a big challenge!  :~~

We never experimented that, but it should work. After small adaptations  work
we successfully built the program print. You certainly can build a browser on
the current code. Let me know if you need a specific help.

Received on Monday, 29 May 2000 09:45:24 UTC