Re: backspace after enter

> > Here is how to recreate it:
> > 1) Create a new HTML document
> > 2) Type some text
> > 3) Hit the Enter key
> > 4) Hit the Backspace key

Oops I didn't test exactly that case.
You're right, when the Backspace deleted the last paragraph of the document, 
the new selection was misplaced.
This is the bug fix:

           if (pViewSel->VsBox != NULL)
               moveAfter = (pViewSel->VsBox->BxAbstractBox->AbLeafType != 
                            pViewSel->VsBox->BxAbstractBox->AbVolume == 0);
               ContentEditing (TEXT_SUP);
-           if (moveAfter)
+           if (moveAfter &&
+               pViewSel->VsBox && pViewSel->VsIndBox < pViewSel->VsBox->
             TtcPreviousChar (document, view);


Received on Monday, 29 May 2000 09:57:33 UTC