
I suppose this is a bit of ARIA 2.0, as this would enable customization,
but there is a need by a number of us to move forward on a cross platform
accessibility API that could also be brought out to a web page that
facilitated device independent interaction. This is something Cynthia and I
thought we should do with webapps but that we might involve a task force
between the new ARIA working group (at least this appears to be where
things are headed) and the Web apps. working group.

We would like to meet at TPAC for a face to face in Japan on this. Would
you or representatives from you company be willing to come to TPAC for a
face to face on this?

Here is the TPAC information:



Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 20:06:53 UTC