Re: PFWG-ISSUE-348: Consider renaming (now actually 'deprecating' in ARIA 1.1) role="presentation" to avoid avoid author confusion

I understand, thanks.

What I'm seeing is a lot of mixing of the attributes alt="", aria-label="", 
role="presentation", and references to images.

E.G as Richard said
"WCAG 2 would like developers to be able to use aria-label vs. alt for 
labeling content. The reason for this is that ARIA has become a common 
accessibility API for the Web and it spans more content than just images. 
However, to do this we want authors to NOT use aria-label="". That is 
inherently bad as it gets misused. Rather when people provide a label we 
want it to be be meaningful. However, elements that are indeed 
presentational we want to allow them to convey that semantically and do it 
in such a way that is with less pain. Allowing for a role="" to have the 
same functionality as role="presentation" and having the added benefit of 
removing the thing from the accessibility object tree as it is useless will 
allow for improved AT peformance - something that alt="" does not do. James' 
suggestion is solid."

As I said, I understand the logic, and I'm sorry if I've made an issue of 

It's important to be clear that role="presentation" applies to all elements 
and has no direct connection with alt="" or aria-label other than to remove 
the tag that it applies to from the accessibility tree.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Craig" <>
To: "Bryan Garaventa" <>
Cc: "Richard Schwerdtfeger" <>; "Cynthia Shelly" 
<>; "Jason White" <>; "Gunderson, Jon R" 
<>; "T.V Raman" <>; <>; 
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: PFWG-ISSUE-348: Consider renaming (now actually 'deprecating' 
in ARIA 1.1) role="presentation" to avoid avoid author confusion

On Jan 30, 2014, at 12:45 PM, Bryan Garaventa <> 

> So would "" be a direct mirror of the role presentation? Meaning that it 
> does exactly the same thing?

Just to clarify. This is an item for discussion. Nothing is decided…
But yes, that was my intention. role="" would be a synonym for 

Received on Thursday, 30 January 2014 21:18:10 UTC