Small typo/error in WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices "roving" tabindex

I tried to comment on this before, but if memory serves I was told that 
the commenting period was over and it was any case, 
trying again: there seems to be a tiny error/typo in 3.1.3 Keyboard 
Navigation within Widgets, and specifically the third step of the 
"roving" tabindex.

Currently, the process reads:

* Set tabindex="0" to the current active descendant in the widget while 
setting tabindex="-1" on all the other child elements of the widget
* As the user navigates (e.g. arrows) away from an item, the old item 
gets a tabindex="-1" and the new item gets tabindex="0".
* Use the javascript method to set focus, using its JavaScript focus() 
method, on the item whose tabindex="-1"

On that last item, I'd say it should read tabindex="0", NOT 
tabindex="-1", as we're intending to move the focus to the newly active 
item (which, in step two, has now been given tabindex="0").

Patrick H. Lauke
Accessibility consultant
The Paciello Group (UK office)
The Paciello Group.

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 15:59:17 UTC