Re: aria-level defined on headings (not globally); is it expected that we'd allow it to override implicit level on h1-h6 headings w/o explicit role defined?

It is my interpretation that the webkit behaviour is correct. The same 
scenario leads to other seemingly bizarre code like
<button role="button" aria-pressed="false">ToggleButton</button>

Note - that aria-required appears to have an exception from this 
requirement in the spec.

    Unless an exactly equivalent native attribute is available, host
    languages SHOULD allow authors to use the aria-required attribute on
    host language form elements that require input or selection by the user.


On 1/11/2013 10:55 AM, James Craig wrote:
> The aria-level attribute is defined on some roles, including headings. It is not defined as a global ARIA attribute. So, for example, this would be expected to have no effect.
> 	<span aria-level="3">Foo</span>
> However, is it expected that we'd allow the attribute to override implicit level on h1-h6 headings w/o the explicit role defined? Is this valid to use on <h1> because it has an implicit heading role, or do we expect that it would only make a difference when combined with an explicit role="heading"?
> This one conveys the level "3" in the WebKit nightly build.
> 	<h1 aria-level="3" role="heading">Foo</h1>
> But this one does not (defaults to level "1"):
> 	<h1 aria-level="3">Foo</h1>
> I'm trying to determine if this is a bug or if it's correct behavior, according to the specification. In either case, this may result in a clarification issue for ARIA 1.1.
> Thanks,
> James

Received on Friday, 11 January 2013 19:13:55 UTC