Re: aria-invalid is confusing

Would this edit resolve the confusion?

"if the attribute is not present, or its value is false then the default value of false applies."

"if the attribute is not present, then the value is inherited from the parent element."

On Feb 4, 2013, at 2:43 AM, Alexander Surkov <> wrote:

> Hi. The spec says
> (
> "For future expansion, the aria-invalid attribute is an enumerated
> type. Any value not recognized in the list of allowed values MUST be
> treated by user agents as if the value true had been provided. If the
> attribute is not present, or its value is false, or its value is an
> empty string, the default value of false applies."
> In particular this means that
> <div aria-invalid="true">
>  <span>1st span</span>
>  <span aria-invalid="false">2nd span</span>
> </div>
> Both "1st span" and "2nd span" text ranges should have "invalid:false"
> text attributes because "if the attribute is not present, or its value
> is false then the default value of false applies". It doesn't seem
> this behavior in the context of the "1st span" text range is evident
> and actually wanted.
> Thank you.
> Alex.

Received on Monday, 4 February 2013 20:17:48 UTC