Re: suggest deprecating alertdialog role in ARIA 1.1

On Sep 12, 2012, at 1:51 PM, Greg Kraus <> wrote:

> That minimal test case was just to demonstrate the problem. Here is a
> more robust implementation where I first discovered the problem.
> This is still a work in progress, but the behavior in IE is there.

Yes, that example works well with Safari and VoiceOver, too.

The only bit I can see in your functional example that doesn't work is the events you're tracking on the "close dialog" link/button. For whatever reason, it's not accepting an AXPress (which in WebKit is more or less equivalent to 'mousedown/mouseup/click'). Is it possibly you're rejecting certain mouse or click events when capturing your specific key events? Also, your keycodes are catching Enter but not Spacebar, which is the HI-recommended keyboard activation for activating focused elements like buttons on OS X. 


Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 21:19:48 UTC