Re: suggest deprecating alertdialog role in ARIA 1.1

Hi Stefan,

> It is not the fault of the ARIA spec that alertdialog is poorly supported in AT.

I completely agree but devs need practical solutions right now.. not 
around the corner and to my mind anything that makes the practical 
accessible web development easier - is a good thing.

> Role "alertdialog" has been invented to indicate simple ok/yes/no/cancel messageboxes in contrast to more
> elaborated complex dialogs with role "dialog".
> Therefore, I recommend *NOT* to remove the role entirely, in contrary, it should even be extended to reflect the
> *type* of "alert" dialog Error/Warning/Info etc. and its usage according to this should be reflected in the AP Guidelines documentation.

Not a bad idea. However, I suggest removing it and actually using the 
role="dialog" as a generic role and allowing it to take the argument 
dialog Error/Warning/Info etc.



Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 09:17:00 UTC