RE: suggest deprecating alertdialog role in ARIA 1.1


It is not the fault of the ARIA spec that alertdialog is poorly supported in AT.

Role "alertdialog" has been invented to indicate simple ok/yes/no/cancel messageboxes in contrast to more 
elaborated complex dialogs with role "dialog".

Therefore, I recommend *NOT* to remove the role entirely, in contrary, it should even be extended to reflect the 
*type* of "alert" dialog Error/Warning/Info etc. and its usage according to this should be reflected in the AP Guidelines documentation.

Such a pattern would help to get more "typed" behavior, and that is what the ARIA spec stands for and what users need.

- Stefan

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshue O Connor [] 
Sent: Freitag, 7. September 2012 09:22
To: Steve Faulkner
Cc: W3C WAI-XTECH; Richard Schwerdtfeger; Marco Zehe; James Teh
Subject: Re: suggest deprecating alertdialog role in ARIA 1.1

Steve Faulkner wrote:
>> From a discussion ensuing after I filed a bug against Firefox [1], it
> appears that the alertdialog role is not differentiated from
> role=dialog  by AT, and not interoperably implemented in a meaningful
> sense. If this is the case I would suggest it be removed from ARIA as
> it does not appear to be useful.

FWIW, it may be better to have one role for a dialog, whether its 
role="dialog" or a role="alertdialog" - the former being a better 
generic form. So +1



Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 09:05:14 UTC