Re: [css3-speech] LC comment: Appendix B — Index: why such cryptic hyperlink text?

Hello Greg,
just a heads-up to let you know that the CSS Working Group has reviewed this issue, and the consensus is that we should indeed fix the links in the automatically-generated index. This will improve the accessibility of not only the Speech specification, but also of all the other CSS specifications that contain such index.

Could you please give us some advice regarding the kind of text and title/alt-text (for a given index entry) that would work best for a screen-reader user? Many thanks!

Kind regards, Dan

On 12 Oct 2011, at 14:37, Daniel Weck wrote:

> Hi Greg, just a quick response to let you know that the Working Group is looking into how to improve the links generated in the document index. Thank you for raising the issue. As it applies not only to CSS3-Speech, but to every CSS specification that contain an automatically-generated index, I don't think this is a blocking issue for this particular CSS Module. Kind regards, Dan
> On 1 Oct 2011, at 04:19, Gregory Rosmaita wrote:
>> aloha!
>> i find the hyperlink text used in Appendix B to be useless, especially
>> as that hyperlink text contains either a number or a number-sign --
>> what is the hyperlink text in the index intended to convey?
>> the hyperlink text should be as unambiguous as possible, and avoid the
>> repeated use of identical link text to point to different resources,
>> as per WCAG 2.0:
>> WCAG 2.0 Guideline 2.4 - Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate,
>> find content, and determine where they are:
>> *
>> 2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only): A mechanism is available to allow the
>> purpose of each link to be identified from link text alone, except
>> where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general.
>> (Level AAA)
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> one means of improving the index is WCAG 2.0 Technique C7
>> *
>> which provides a means of providing disambiguating hyperlink text for
>> aural and/or tactile contextualization
>> thanks, gregory.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of
>> focus.                                           -- Mark Twain
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Gregory J. Rosmaita:
>>    Camera Obscura:
>>         Oedipus' Online Complex:
>> --------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 00:00:22 UTC