Re: ARIA and XHTML 1.0

I have created modified DTDs for HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 using the
attributes module [].

These are available at

These DTD's contain the additions below, added to the coreattrs
(%ARIArole; %ARIAtabindex; %ARIAattrs;)
The tabindex declarations for individual elements have been removed.

The (X)THML + ARIA validation is based on attributes and attribute
values as defined in the WAI-ARIA (draft) specification 1.0 [link:]. The DTD's are not official versions
and have not been endorsed by anyone.

Validation of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 documents using the experimental
DTD's, will detect errors in WAI-ARIA attribute names and values only.
The DTD's allow ARIA attributes to be placed on any element. It will
not provide any indication of the correctness of the use of a WAI-ARIA
attribute on any given element.

<!--================ ADD WAI-ARIA Attributes =========================-->


 <!ENTITY % ARIAtabindex
   "tabindex NMTOKEN          #IMPLIED"

<!ENTITY % ARIAattrs
-- states --
    "aria-busy ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-checked ( true | false | mixed | undefined ) 'undefined'
    aria-disabled ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-dropeffect NMTOKENS 'none'
    aria-expanded ( true | false | undefined ) 'undefined'
    aria-grab ( true | supported | false ) 'false'
    aria-hidden ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-invalid ( grammar | false | spelling | true ) 'false'
    aria-pressed ( true | false | mixed | undefined ) 'undefined'
    aria-selected ( true | false | undefined ) 'undefined'
-- properties --
    aria-activedescendant IDREF #IMPLIED
    aria-atomic ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-autocomplete ( inline | list | both | none ) 'none'
    aria-controls IDREFS #IMPLIED
    aria-describedby IDREFS #IMPLIED
    aria-flowto IDREFS #IMPLIED
    aria-haspopup ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-label CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-labelledby IDREFS #IMPLIED
    aria-level CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-live ( off | polite | assertive ) 'off'
    aria-multiline ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-multiselectable ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-owns IDREFS #IMPLIED
    aria-posinset CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-readonly ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-relevant NMTOKENS 'additions text'
    aria-required ( true | false ) 'false'
    aria-setsize CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-sort ( ascending | descending | none | other ) 'none'
    aria-valuemax CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-valuemin CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-valuenow CDATA #IMPLIED
    aria-valuetext CDATA #IMPLIED

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 10:23:12 UTC