Using title for ARIA name is impractical!

In my continuing series of ARIA discoveries :)

The current recommendation requires the usage of title attribute to provide
a name for widgets of the following roles: combobox, grid, group, img, list,
listbox, menu, menubar, progressbar, radiogroup, slider, spinbutton,
textbox, tree, treegrid.

Now imagine a listbox or a tree with lot of visible child elements and that
each of these widgets (lisbox and options) are being created using a div.
The outerdiv for the listbox having it's role as "listbox" and each of the
list items having a role of "option". Now, assume that the listbox has a
title defined on it (so it could provide an acc name per current
recommendation) like below:

<div role="listbox" title="My Own Listbox"
  <div role="option" id="listbox1-1" class="selected"
aria-selected="true">item 1</div>
  <div role="option" id="listbox1-2" >item 2</div>
  <div role="option" id="listbox1-3" >item 3</div>

At this time you would notice that hovering over with mouse on anywhere over
the listbox area (including where the individual items are shown) would show
a tooltip with the title. This is coming in as a side effect of browser
usage of title for the tooltip. Given this major UI implication, IMO, this
makes the usage of title to get an acc name on the roles mentioned highly
impractical. I would like to hear other thoughts or ideas. Or if someone
knows a way of getting ARIA name without using a title.


Srinivas Annam
Software Engineer, Accessibility
Google, Inc.
Cell: 408.898.4928

Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 20:03:22 UTC