Keyboard Behaviors for Elements with Role "Grid"

Hi Don, Rich,

As a result of last F2F, Martin Schaus requested me to send you more info regarding keyboard navigation within read-only grids and grids that do contain other active elements in their grid cells.

Please find below the concepts and keys used for keyboard navigation within an element with role "grid" (not: table!) as we @ SAP understand it (in the style of the site).

In addition, I suggest to

a) rename "25.Tables" to "Grid" in the dhtml style guide page
b) merge content of 28. Tree Grid into the "Grid" section
c) include example images appropriately

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact me. 
I'll try to catch the next Tuesday meeting (on 15th) for a in-depth discussion.

Best Regards


Table -> basically HTML Table element, Purely for Layout with role:presentation

*	Contains always potentially editable content
*	Cell content may be read-only OR editable (!)

1) We have a discrepancy in understanding how TAB should be used within grids. 

*	The group originally intended TAB to be used as SKIPPING key (entering-leaving grid, restoring focus in last focused cell in grid). This comes from a picture in mind having a grid as an entity of non editable (read-only) cells.
*	Reality in business apps: We @ SAP have MANY editable grids and using TAB for cell navigation within a grid row between editable cells and cells that are hosting other elements within.
*	As a consequence, TAB cannot be used anymore to skip grids. This in turn requires the definition of an EXTRA skipping key combination (Ctrl+Tab, see below) to leave the grid or return to the last focused position within the grid.

	2) We believe that also the information that a cell is empty may be a valuable information, hence, also empty grid cells should be focusable with arrow keys (This setting should be configurable, with default=on). However, TAB key should skip read-only grid cells always (reason: fast data entry). Editable empty cells are also focused with TAB.

	3) We need to define keyboard behaviors to switch/activate cells in editable state (if allowed by application).

	In initial state, all cells of a grid are potentially read-only and are navigated using either arrow or tab keys. Visual and AT info indicates the user when focusing a cell that it is potentially editable. Now we have to activate the edit mode of the cell.

	We distinguish here between a) Explicit Activation and b) Implicit Activation.

	Explicit activation uses a function key (F2) when focus is on the editable cell (NOT Enter, this is reserved for function and not for activation triggering!). Pressing F2 will activate content for editing and bring caret into editable cell content and there we go.

	Implicit activation is a fine way for fast data entry. When on an editable cell, pressing any alphanumeric key will bring cell into edit mode.

	Tab in both cases will exit edit mode and will focus next cell in the row. (Note: If this cell is editable, too, then TAB may activate ALSO the edit mode of THAT cell. This may be configurable in settings).

	4) Finally, it should be clearly denoted that for editable UI elements embedded inside a grid the inner-element keyboard navigation will (and has to) supersede the grid navigation in certain cases!
	Example: An input element within a grid. When in edit mode, arrow keys move caret within the element instead of to next cell. This should happen naturally and without the need to invoke special AT modes. Tab leaves always the cell at end of edit process.

	5) Please find below the consolidated key mapping proposal according to the concept:

	Basic Grids

	Entry of Grid (enter grid in forward/backward direction):
*	The initial tab/Shift-Tab enters the grid with focus on the entire grid body. 
*	Once in the grid a second tab moves focus to the first header cell (forward entry, shift-tab respectively focuses last grid cell)
*	Tab/Shift-Tab within a grid will always move the focus between cells in a grid row
*	Tab/Shift-Tab within a grid will always move the focus between cells in a grid row
Fast Exit of Grid (Skipping):
*	Ctrl+Tab press when in Grid: Focus will be moved to the next focusable element after the grid.
*	Shift+Ctrl+Tab press when in Grid: Focus will be moved to the previous focusable element before the grid. The focus is restored at the position where the focus was before the grid has lost focus.
*	Note: it may be necessary dependant on UA (and UA versions!) to implement another skipping key combination

Navigation within Grid:
Left and Right Arrow 
*	Navigation between editable and read-only cells of a row within columns. 
	Up and Down Arrow 
*	Navigation between editable and read-only cells within a single grid column.
*	Simple Scrolling within Grid: When number of rows > visible row count: next/previous data row will be displayed
Home and End
*	Home focuses the first editable column of the currently focused row
*	End focuses the last editable column of the currently focused row

Large Scrolling/Paging within Grid (for large data sets):
-	Navigates to the next/previous set of rows to be displayed within the grid viewport (visible rows)
-	Navigates to the first/last set of rows to be displayed within the grid viewport (visible rows)
When paging through sets of rows the last shown row should become the first row shown when paging on next page and the first shown row should become the last shown row when paging to the previous page.
An open question is how to display the last sets within the table's viewport: 
Alternative 1: Showing the last row on the last visible rows automatically changes the paging behavior (offset is changed). 
Alternative 2: Showing fewer number of rows and having a number of empty columns to NOT change the offset for paging.

Editable Grid Cell Activation:
FX (e.g. F2)
*	Explicit Activation. Pressing F2 activates content for editing and bring caret into editable cell.
*	Note: Dependant on application and UA constrains, it may be necessary to define a different function key
Any alphanumeric key
*	Implicit Activation. When on an editable cell, pressing any alphanumeric key will bring cell into edit mode.
	--- Grid Variants-------------------------------------------------------------------------

	Grids with Headers containing special functionality (e.g row sort functions)
*	All of the keys used by the basic grid above.
*	No separate tab stop for special functionality icon, the entire header content (boundary rectangle) should be focused 
*	Triggers functionality of header cell
*	For multiple functionality (e.g. Search orders): Pressing Space multiple times toggles or browses+activates within multiple options
*	Functionality should be persisted in context menu of header cell also (to open, the Shift+F10 of IE may do the job)

Grids with Multi-Level-Headers
*	All of the keys used by the basic grid above. 
*	Note: AT should announce nested headers. 

Grids with Common Cell Sections
*	All of the keys used by the basic grid above.
*	Note: In addition, the sub rows remain selectable and the sub row cells remain focusable. 
*	Note: Each cell in a section should contain the same information as the first cell for the Screen Reader. A tool tip may accomplish this purpose.

Tree Grids
*	All of the keys used by the basic grid above. In addition:
	Control and +/- or Num Pad and +/- 
*	Expand or collapse rows when focus is within cell with expand indicator. 
*	Note: The Num Pad +/- conflicts with Jaws commands. There are workarounds available for this within Jaws.

Embedded Elements in Grids

ALT combinations:

-	Alt+Cursor keys are not used at all. 
-	Alt+(Up/Down) is used for control-based navigation (such as opening combo boxes in a table/grid context) 
-	Alt+(Left/Right) for browsing in the global scope of the internet browser main window.

Dr. Stefan Schnabel 
Accessibility Expert 
User Experience - Accessibility 

Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16, 
69190 Walldorf, Germany

T: +49 (6227) 7-65652
F: +49 (6227) 78-29877 


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Received on Friday, 11 July 2008 10:22:40 UTC