Widgets within widgets

I was asked to write up a generalized statement as to how this should
work as far as keyboard controls.



Clarification on widgets within widgets

The general navigation model is for a user to tab to a widget, interact
with the controls in that widget and then tab to move focus off to the
next widget in the tab order. By extension, when the construct of a
widget contains another widget, tab will move focus to the contained
widget because it is the next item in the tab order. This continues down
the layers of widgets until the last widget is reached. For example: We
have two widgets A and B on a page. Widget A contains within it Widgets
C and D. When tabbing, focus would land on Widget A but another tab
would not go to Widget B. Instead it would focus on C and then D
followed by B.

Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2008 14:23:40 UTC