Re: Update Documentation for Landmark Feature in ARIA Specs

We discussed this issue in the ARIA call today, and agreed to add a  
note to the spec, with the qualifier changed from an RFC2119 "may" to  
an RFC2119 "should." The consensus is that:

"Within any document or application, the author SHOULD mark no more  
than one element with the role banner, and the author SHOULD mark no  
more than one element with the role main."

The exact verbiage may change to clarify the difference between ARIA  
children and DOM descendants, because documents and applications can  
be nested in the DOM. For example, a document could have multiple  
banner elements as DOM descendants, if each of those were associated  
with different documents, either by a DOM nesting (document within  
document) or by use of the aria-owns attribute.


On Nov 10, 2008, at 4:15 AM, Thomas Logan wrote:

> ARIA documentation should be updated to clearly state number of times
> particular landmark role may appear in valid ARIA document.
> banner, main
> Only one element may be marked role="banner" within "document" or
> "application" descendants.
> Only one element may be marked role="main" within "document" or
> "application" descendants.
> See reference thread for proposed algorithm.
> complementary, contentinfo, navigation, search
> Explicitly state that multiple regions may have this landmark role  
> set.
> Reference October Threads on Landmark Role
> Reference ARIA Draft
> Reference ARIA Best Practices

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 22:00:59 UTC