Re: aria-flowto changes user-agent behavior, which isn't the intended purpose of ARIA

If the referenced portion is actually in a separate section, but is  
only relevant to a particular spot in the text (a footnote, for  
example), there should be a link, perhaps utilizing the 'rel' attribute.

If it's not actually a separate section, but it's just a styled to be  
displayed in the next column (a pull quote, for example) then the  
source code order should remain the same and the style should just be  
defined with CSS.

In either case, I don't see a reason to change reading order or tab  
order for AT.

On Dec 8, 2008, at 1:14 AM, Aaron M Leventhal wrote:

> Let's say I ask my screen reader to read the page from top to  
> bottom, but there is a sidebar (magazine style).
> How do I use tabindex or nextfocus to indicate to the AT when to  
> break off to the sidebar so that it's read at a relevant moment?
> - Aaron
> From:	James Craig <>
> To:	Aaron M Leventhal/Cambridge/IBM@IBMUS
> Cc:	WAI XTech <>,
> Date:	12/08/2008 09:56 AM
> Subject:	Re: aria-flowto changes user-agent behavior, which isn't  
> the intended  purpose of ARIA
> But that could result in a different tab order and behavior when  
> assistive technology is running than when it is not, or a different  
> behavior between different types of AT with varying levels of  
> support for aria-flowto, and it could potentially conflict with a  
> host language feature (like nextfocus in XHTML 2). I'm still not  
> sure this is a good idea.
> On Dec 8, 2008, at 12:23 AM, Aaron M Leventhal wrote:
> I agree that this is wrong because it goes against the purpose of  
> ARIA, but I think it's just incorrectly worded. The text in the spec  
> should say something like "aria-flowto recommends a document reading  
> to assistive technologies".
> - Aaron
> From:	James Craig <>
> To:	WAI XTech <>
> Date:	12/08/2008 08:59 AM
> Subject:	aria-flowto changes user-agent behavior, which isn't the  
> intended purpose of ARIA
> aria-flowto changes user agent behavior, which isn't the intended  
> purpose of ARIA.
> If ARIA really needs this, we should move it to section 6.2.3 and  
> make it a requirement of implementing host languages.

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 09:25:30 UTC