tinyurl Re: DHTML StyleGuide Minutes 2007-09-21

>a hand-encoded hypertext version of the minutes from today's meeting as
>quickly as i could and archived it in the www-archive depository,
>attached to an explanatory post -- the direct URI for the minutes is:

Since that broke in transmission, I pumped it into a TinyURL:



>a lynx snapshot of the minutes follows -- i checked the document source
>with HTMLTidy, but wasn't able to upload to a web accessible directory
>for validation, so i shouldn't have declared XHTML 1.0 Strict, but
>                              DHTML StyleGuide Call
>                                21 September 2007
>    QUICK LINKS (skip)
>    Agenda | Attendance | Minutes |
>      _________________________________________________________________
>Agenda for September 21st meeting
>     1. Drag-n-Drop specific keyboard recommendations for ARIA
>        (continued).
>     2. Review Radio Buttons:
>           + When tabbing into a Radio Group that has nothing selected
>             should focus go to the first button, the last button, or the
>             radio group?
>           + Also, John would like to revisit the requirement about
>             wrapping.
>     3. We will continue the discussion about the Accordion behavior after
>        Earl has time to rethink the use of the Tab key and has taken the
>        discussion to the PFWG.
>     4. Review Menu after Becky reviews her notes.
>     5. Tabindex and Focus as a discussion is recommended by Becky.
>     6. Context Help and use cases like prolog.
>     7. AXS Library
>      _________________________________________________________________
>    Attendance:
>           Tom Wlodkowski (TW/chair)
>           Chris Blouch (CB)
>           Tim Boland (TB)
>           Colin Clark (CC)
>           Collin ??: (University of Toronto)
>           Don Evans (DE)
>           Becky Gibson (BG)
>           Al Gilman (AG)
>           Jon Gunderson (JRG)
>           Earl Johnson (EJ)
>           Gregory J. Rosmaita (GJR/scribe)
>           regrets: Lisa Pappas
>      _________________________________________________________________
>Minutes: DHTML StyleGuide Call, 21 September 2007
>TOPIC 1: Drag and Drop
>    DE: RichS not here
>    TW: move on to next agenda item
>TOPIC 2: Review of Radio Buttons
>    DE: JRG's issue, right?
>    JRG: updated example -- up and down arrow keys cycles through radio
>    buttons
>    JRG: if no radiobutton checked, radio group container gets focus --
>    has describbedby on radio group container which would be
>    announced/exposed via AT
>    JRG: currently if tab through first one has focus (most
>    UAimplementations)
>    GJR: checkbox groupings useful if tab to grouping, use describedby to
>    label, user has choice to enter grouping or move to next with TAB
>    BG: concerns me
>    CC: what if automatically announces the value describedby and places
>    on the first button in grouping
>    BG: or first author-defined -- if no selected, goes on first, if
>    pre-selected goes there
>    JRG: when radio group comes into focus, focus set to first radio
>    button, unless one pre-selected in which case it would go to
>    pre-selected, otherwise go to first
>    BG: move to radio button and then use up or down arrow to select if no
>    pre-selection
>    CC: forms mode automatically chooses first button in JAWS; in general
>    should be able to use spacebar to select
>    JRG: when tab using FireFox, tabs through all radio buttons
>    BG: FireFox and MSIE behave differently
>    JRG: from MSAA perspective if focus on radio button, all i know is i
>    am on a radio button that is selected; AccessibleName in MSAA can
>    provide describedby label for grouping and communicate number of
>    options in radio group?
>    BG: already an HTML element -- fieldset -- and style it not to draw
>    box
>    AG: fieldset and legend with actual HTML radio buttons; what if not
>    using actual radio buttons? will fieldset accomodate that case?
>    BG: radiogroup could be used for same purpose; should define the
>    model; dojo doesn't choose group, but leaves it to UA, because that is
>    what is expected from the UA
>    GJR: radiogroup necessary in FORM embedded in TABLE; fieldsets and
>    legends can't span table cells and are invalid inside them;
>    BG: don't need behavior for radiogroup cause can get another way;
>    don't want to say you HAVE to put things into a group, but provide
>    best practice guidance
>    CC: respect UA mechanism; first one selected when radiogroup receives
>    focus; TAB into set of radio buttons; arrow keys control radio buttons
>    and then TAB out; from Style Guide perspective that's as far as need
>    to take this
>    JRG: emulate IE behavior?
>    CC: if can arrow through, don't have conflict with tabbing to other
>    items
>    Earl Johnson joins
>    CC: minimize tabbing by moving from grouping to grouping; TAB into
>    widget, TAB out of widget
>    JRG: goal - work like IE? spacebar should select and arrow keys to
>    inspect
>    BG: if come in via SHIFT+TAB would start at bottom of list
>    CC: expected behavior; items select as go through combobox
>    EJ: UAs currently when set of radio buttons receives focus, one will
>    always have focus
>    CC: pre-selected if none defined go to top if TAB to it, bottom if
>    SHIFT+TAB to it
>    JRG: have to press spacebar to select current radio button -- either
>    last or first one;
>    EJ: can't leave without at least 1 radio button chosen
>    DE: tab into group of radio buttons with no pre selection; arrow down,
>    select second button, right -- if TAB, move to the next group
>    JRG: IE tab moves focus to group and no pre-selected button without
>    selecting -- can TAB out without choice
>    AG: HTML states invalid if not one selected;
>    TW: summary: 1) tab into group of radio buttons; 2) if no button
>    selected group name announced and first button first to receive focus;
>    if use arrow keys to move between radio buttons select as go or
>    selected using spacebar (select/deselect)
>    AG: AT may voice label of group, label of selection upon entering
>    group, and announce state (selected/unselected) -- needs to be there
>    in context
>    GJR: why is selection different if TAB or SHIFT+TAB?
>    AG: minimum scroll -- moving minimum distance to get where going; if
>    approach from bottom encounter bottom -- nearest available point in
>    bag of items
>    TW: GJR are you satisfied?
>    GJR: think form controls different case from menus, question whether
>    should bow to legacy conventions
>    GJR: behaviour should be: when shift-tabbing into group, if one button
>    is pre-selected, it gets focus and its label is exposed, but if none
>    pre-selected, should go to first in gruoping
>    AG: inheriting legacy conventions/inherent implemented behavior
>    EJ: support TW's explanation
>    PROPOSED: emulate browser behavior by TAB selects first if none
>    selected; SHIFT+TAB selects last if none selected
>    TW:: Earl, are you ready for accordion behavior discussion?
>    EJ: not ready to discuss yet -- have just finished a new draft; want
>    to re-vett
>    TW: push accordion discussion to 1 October meeting
>    Tim Boland (NIST) joins
>    BG: updated spec and LisaP put into wiki and sent update emails to
>    XTech; second changed what was on wiki
>    EJ: pound 6 to mute yourself, star 7 to unmute
>    BG: action item changed: took proposal i had for menus, updated and
>    LisaP put into wiki; within the past week, proposed on list to change
>    -- previously said disabled menu items receive focus, but since
>    disabled radio buttons thought should be consistent; part of proposal
>    was consistency in dojo code -- if buttons in toolbar don't get focus,
>    why giving foucus to disabled menu items; windows does give disabled
>    menu items focus; mac doesn't give disabled buttons, menu items or
>    toolbar buttons
>    TW: web differs from OS -- certain actions may cause another menu to
>    come into focus; user might need to know what is and isn't available;
>    web widgets may be a one-off encounter -- user needs to know what
>    options are
>    TW: difference between software and web conventions as to what is
>    there and what is available or not
>    GJR: menu items need explicit disabled state announcement
>    AG: with exception of formatting bar type buttons, buttons are
>    arbitrarily displayed atomically -- menu a range of choices, more
>    often where need to hear full range of choices to understand full
>    range of choices
>    CC: web widget -- consumer point-of-view; if have things that are
>    there but not available, if greyed out, user needs to know (a) it is
>    there and (b) that it is disabled -- need to keep in mind use case --
>    do want to know what is not available
>    BG: should buttons be in tab order if disabled?
>    CC: yes, asynchronous world of widgets -- how do i know it exists or
>    doesn't exist; not sure can make assumption if disabled can skip over
>    it; can be used as flag of incomplete section of form (for example,
>    credit card info before array of choices displayed); consumers may not
>    interact on daily basis or enough to build up type of knowledge that
>    the function exists
>    BG: but UAdoes not include disabled in tab order
>    DE: still visible, right?
>    BG: visible but not keyboard accessible; if enable buttons -- if undo
>    not available, do you want to hear "unavailable"; buttons on toolbar
>    should be consistent with buttons on page; should not be in tab or
>    arrow key order
>    EJ: screen reader in desktop where item greyed out, the assistive
>    technology allows user to discover information, while allowing visual
>    only keyboard user to skip over it, but still aware that it is there;
>    logic in AT to do that; are we pushing burden from AT to UA?
>    TW: can't do in context of AT in UA
>    AG: if a screen reader reads all the text in a document instance, it
>    is available
>    BG: run out of keystrokes quickly; heading 1 or level 3 or div, need
>    drop down -- usually in toolbar; dojo does that
>    AG: 1) one will never know what one doesn't know; other side is voting
>    with feet -- how many blind users tab through without listening to
>    whole page first -- a lot because it is faster and they simply want to
>    accomplish a task, efficiently and with accuracy;
>    TW: menu perspective, tab into menu, arrow through, and then tab away,
>    so in menu want to know what is available and currently unavailable;
>    button perspective, may need to know in web environment what don't
>    need to know in desktop environment
>    EJ: AT could be expected to do it -- sighted user can skip over greyed
>    out portion, but what about non-visual user?
>    BG: don't know if assisstive technology there; either set focus on it
>    or don't; don't know what user wants
>    BG: author defining flow and focus, can't be intercepted by AT
>    AG: could recognize that focus moved between items on menu item, but
>    unlikely that special algorithms to be written for different;
>    TW: How do we do this here and now? menu items not available need to
>    be arrowable
>    GJR: agree with that
>    TW: need AT devs involved in discussion like this; can't expect that
>    user agent or AT will help for several years; disabled should be
>    arrowable and debate buttons as different issue
>    BG: let me play devil's advocate -- screen reader can't get info if
>    can't arrow to it, but adding extra keyboard actions for sighted users
>    might be a drawback
>    AG: could you live with it if ArrowDown reads label and announces
>    disabled state?
>    TW: yes, but not something web developer would do
>    GJR: should be under user control whether to render what is disabled;
>    on windows platform have option to "hide" infrequently used menu item,
>    so why not a UA conformance GL that states user should be able to
>    choose between verbose (expose all even if disabled) and terse (only
>    expose what is available); separate settings for menu and buttons
>    needed; user needs control over granularity
>    EJ: delivery time is an important issue
>    TW: consumer wants things accessible today, not "in the next 6
>    months..." which usually turns out to be 4 or 5 years, if ever...
>    AG: split menus and buttons -- leave draft position on buttons?
>    TW: buttons add more tab-stops
>    AG: more and more dubious tab stops
>    Consensus: disabled menu items should be arrowable; menu widget is a
>    tab-stop -- when arrow through disabled menus announced that disabled;
>    disabled buttons still an open issue
>    TW: next meeting -- accordion, check with LisaP on progress of Best
>    Practices document
>    EJ: will forward drag and drop use cases to xtech -- hope will help
>    drag and drop move forward
>    AG: what you're writing about is exactly what is missing
>      * meeting adjourned at 17:13 UTC
>      * next meeting Friday, 5 October 2007, at 1600 UTC
>      _________________________________________________________________

Received on Friday, 21 September 2007 20:41:15 UTC