Re: Accessible custom contextmenu

Chris Blouch wrote:
> You will need to put tabindex="-1" to make the div focusable. 

But won't that take that div out of the existing tab order? And if the
user needs to get back to it will they have difficulty? Unless there is
a Combobox or some other form element embedded within the div that the
user can easily access via the Virtual HTML Features within JAWS or
other virtualisation features within screen readers (or by using quick
keys). The form element would also have to be continually exposed to the
screen reader even if it is to be hidden from a sighted suers, via some
Javascript show/hide mechanism, in order for it to be 'constant' as
such, even if hidden from sighted users. Especially after that function
has been revealed to the user.

I am not sure of *best* practice myself in these cases, especially if
there are several dynamic widgets within the page that alternately need
focus, and I know this is something that WAI-ARIA and the DHTML Roadmap
are trying to address. At the moment the best techniques on offer are hacks.


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2007 10:15:13 UTC