WAI Glossary comparison with ANSI "standard definitions"

Source for ANSI "Standard Definitions" is:

American National Standard Dictionary of Information Technology (ANSDIT)


Definitions therein cover a much wider set of information processing
terms (like "chad"). Those definitions are still evolving. They do not
cover accessibility terms very well. I guess the overlap is about 10%
each way. We may be able to expand their coverage to include terms used
in the WAI guidelines.

With a more expansive effort, all W3 TR glossary terms might be submitted
as candidates for inclusion in the ANSDIT set.

One problem with encouraging ANSDIT to include WAI/W3 glossary terms is
the lethargy in evolving their definitions. I suspect that the ANSI/ISO
process rules apply: revise at least every five years!

I enclose my review of the WAI GL terms, with injections of terms from
the ANSDIT set:


This is a text file, not an HTML file, as I distinguish source by indentation
for (just) the WAI GL terms and flush-left for the terms from ANSDIT.
I did not repeat the GL definitions. For those, consult the latest version:


Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Monday, 21 May 2001 02:11:25 UTC