Re: the meaning of the term document in WCAG2

Yep, using the word "page" instead of document gets us to a slightly vaguer

The idea about content is that it doesn't matter if it is a page, a bit in a
page, or a whole site. Appropriate markkup needs to be used  to identify the

In HTML, the appropriate markup for a "web page" (or whatever you want to
call it) is something like

  <html lang="ja">

and then the rest of the stuff. If there are things in a different language
(in this example I have used japanese as the basic language) they should
identify themselves, for example

<div lang="fi" title="the finnish section">
<div lang="en-nz" title="thus but">

Note that there are well-documented and resonably widely used server side
HTTP techinques for doing a bunch of this.



On Sun, 20 May 2001, Anne Pemberton wrote:

  Would it be too imprecise to use the term "page" instead of document?

  Seems to me that's a web-specific term already ... Is it a document if the
  only contents of a link/page is a multi-media presentation and it's script?


Received on Sunday, 20 May 2001 16:47:17 UTC