Re: picture this! (was Re: definition Re: RE Checkpoint 3.4 again)

At 03:14 PM 2001-08-03 , gregory j. rosmaita wrote:
>CMN: I think the "pictures of words" bit should go back to the WCAG group.
>GJR: which part?  that pictures of words ain't words?
><span lang="franglais"> ceci n'est pas une pipe, non? </span>
>no, it's not a pipe -- it's a question...

a) everything that generates debate in XTECH should go back to the affected
groups -- here at least GL and UA -- who may confirm or deny acquiescence in
the proposal of the intergroup caucus.  But perhaps after giving XTECH some
time to settle on a provisional resolution of the question.  Cf. conference
committee in a bicameral legislature such as in the U.S.

b) The picture forms of the above exchange include, but are not necessarily
limited to, a Nassi-Schneiderman chart of the logic integrating multiple
of 'pipe' with assertions by Gregory and Charles.  Or Sean could RDF it and
that makes a graph that one then decorates with icons and arranges tastefully
on the page...


>The optimist thinks that this is the best of all
>possible worlds; the pessimist knows it is.
>     Gregory J. Rosmaita,
> Webmaster & Minister of Propaganda, VICUG NYC
>  The Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group
>    of the New York City Metropolitan Area
> <>

Received on Friday, 3 August 2001 16:09:42 UTC