Re: definition Re: RE Checkpoint 3.4 again

Yep, much smarter. I will ask the i18n folks, but I think we are looking for
"letters" or "characters" not "glyphs". (This could be in the Character Model
for the WWW spec that they are working on - I
believe, although it is another of my notorious hand-typed URI's coming from

I think the "pictures of words" bit should go back to the WCAG group.



On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Kynn Bartlett wrote:

  Please don't allow something to be both "x" and "non-x" at the same
  time.  The logical inconsistency is just too much to simply bury in
  the glossary.

  Here's a straw man definition:

  "Text is any content encoded in Unicode-style letters and/or glyphs.
  Non-text is anything else.

  Someone who is more up on RFCs and the like can fill in a more
  technically precise term for "letters".  If this were 1983 I'd be
  saying "ASCII characters."


Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 21:42:07 UTC