Re: wake-up call

At 07:45 AM 4/8/2001, William Loughborough wrote:
>We are in danger of falling into the same pit from which we try to rescue 
>Web design - the avoidance of heeding our own counsel.
>All of the documents, especially the myriad of such things on EO as "How 
>People With Disabilities Use the Web" 
>fall far short in both the "clear/simple" and "Use multimedia to 
>illustrate concepts" departments - and it is one of our best efforts!

Amen, preacher-man.

I think the WAI site definitely needs, at the very least, pictures
of people with disabilities.  Illustrations and useful graphics
should be added to the documents that could benefit from such.

But here's the problem -- I don't think we have any artists on the
WAI working groups.  If we do, they're very quiet!

Kynn Bartlett <>
Technical Developer Liaison
Reef North America
Tel +1 949-567-7006

Received on Monday, 9 April 2001 08:42:10 UTC